adjust watchband

Easily adjust your watch strap

Remove links yourself or with the help of a professional?

Metal watch straps are often too big for the wrists of users. There are two solutions to this problem: have the bracelet adjusted by a professional, or do it yourself. Each of these options has its advantages and disadvantages.

Looking for a Bracelet Jubilee Seiko ? Click to discover our compatible bracelet.

Having your bracelet professionally adjusted usually costs between €5 and €10. This option presents minimal risk of damage to your watch. On the other hand, if you decide to do it yourself, it's advisable to have the necessary skills and tools. The risk of scratching or damaging the watch is higher, but it can be an economical and rewarding solution if you're a do-it-yourselfer.

How to adjust different types of watch straps yourself

If you choose to adjust your watch band yourself, it's essential to know the specific steps for each type of band. Whether it's a metal, leather or fabric bracelet, each material requires a different approach. Here's a video to help you adjust your watchband safely:

Before you start, make sure you have all the necessary tools A watch stand, a screwdriver, tweezers, a soft cloth and a watchmaker's mallet. These tools will enable you to work with precision and minimize the risk of damage.

Shortening a metal bracelet

To shorten a metal bracelet, start by determining the type of bracelet. Link bracelets, such as those made by Seiko, are common. Use a tape measure or string to measure the circumference of your wrist. Next, identify the links to be removed to obtain the desired size.

Steps to shorten a metal bracelet :

  1. Use the screwdriver to remove the screws from the selected links.
  2. Remove extra links carefully to avoid scratching the bracelet.
  3. Reassemble the bracelet by inserting and adjusting the remaining links to form a complete buckle.
  4. Check the fit to make sure the strap is neither too tight nor too loose.

Looking for a Bracelet Jubilee Seiko ? Discover our compatible bracelet :

Jubilee Bracelet (18mm, 19mm, 20mm, 21mm, 22mm)

(1 customer review)

🎁 OFFER OF THE MOMENT 🎁 In addition to your bracelet, receive all the accessories necessary for its assembly: 🔧 1 pin-plug (value: 9€) 🔩 1 pump-plug (value: 9€) 🔗 Curved endlinks

Shortening a leather or fabric bracelet

To shorten a leather or fabric bracelet, the method is different. Start by measuring the size of your wrist with a tape measure or string. Then mark the desired length on the bracelet. Use sharp scissors to cut away excess material.

Steps for shortening a leather or fabric bracelet :

  1. After cutting the bracelet, use a punch to create new holes if necessary.
  2. Make sure the holes are aligned for a comfortable fit.
  3. Attach the strap to the watch and check the fit to make sure it's comfortable and secure.

Lengthen bracelet if too short

If your watchband is too short, there are ways to lengthen it. For a metal bracelet, you can add extra links. Contact the manufacturer or a jeweller for links compatible with your bracelet. Use the appropriate tools to add links and adjust the bracelet size.

Steps to lengthen a bracelet :

  1. For a metal bracelet, add additional links using the appropriate tools.
  2. For a leather or fabric bracelet, use a bracelet extension available in different sizes and styles to match your bracelet.
  3. Attach the extension to the existing bracelet and check the fit to make sure it's comfortable and secure.

By following these steps, you can safely and accurately adjust your watchband yourself. Whether you choose to call in a professional or do it yourself, it's important to make sure your watch fits properly for optimum comfort and long-lasting use.

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